16 mei FARO Convention Meeting: Heritage as a means for societal challenges

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  • Datum
  • Locatie Lumière, Bassin 88, 6211 AK Maastricht

On Thursday 16 May and Friday 17 May the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the Council of Europe host the first Faro Convention Meeting in Maastricht and Heerlen, the Netherlands. This will be the flagship event to raise awareness in the Netherlands of the benefits of this important European convention on citizen participation in the heritage field. Your contribution to the meeting will also serve as input for the Ministry of Culture’s heritage participation-strategy.

At the meeting you will gain insight in the role the Faro Convention can play in using heritage for societal challenges. You will also have the opportunity to engage with a wide network of Dutch and international experts in the field of participation and citizen initiatives in heritage management.

On Friday 17 May there will be a follow-up session in Heerlen with a small group invited by the Council of Europe.

The conference is free of charge, but you have to register. You are kindly requested to register as soon as possible, but before 10 May by filling in  the registration form. 





Opening Michaëla Hanssen, moderator of the meeting and programme leader Faro-programme, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands


Welcome Mayor of Maastricht, Mayor of Heerlen, General Director of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (film)

Introduction film about the Faro Convention

Citizen participation at the centre of Heritage Counts, the policy document of the Ministry of Culture Barbera Wolfensberger, Director-general Culture and Media at ministry of Education, Culture and Science 


Coffee break


An overview of the Faro way

  • Faro principles Francesc Pla, Council of Europe, Culture and Cultural Heritage Division
  • Facilitating new initiatives in the civil society Prosper Wanner, Faro Convention Network
  • Example from Finland Ulla Salmela, Finnish Heritage Agency
  • Example from Austria Andrea Sieber, Alps-Adria University Klagenfurt-Vienna 




Examples from Maastricht and Heerlen

  • Participatory governance in the municipality of Maastricht: the ‘colours-approach’ Tim van Wanrooij, Project leader ‘Omgevingsvisie’, Municipality of Maastricht
  • Heritage and participation in the municipality of Maastricht Eric Wetzels, Scientific Policy Officer, Municipality of Maastricht
  • Heritage and international networks of the Meuse–Rhine Euroregion Mathea Severeijns, director IBA Parkstad


Introduction to the Faro-programme of the Cultural Heritage Agency and the field visits Michaëla Hanssen


Coffee break


Field visits

Adaptive reuse – Walking tour, English spoken 
You will visit the Frontenpark and other Maastricht sites where you will reflect upon the role citizen participation plays in the adaptive reuse of industrial and military buildings.

Post-war/restoration neighbourhoods – Bus tour, Dutch spoken 
Visits several post-war neighbourhoods in order to discuss the spatial and social challenges and reflect upon the way heritage and heritage communities can play a role in tackling those challenges.

Via Belgica – Bus tour, Dutch spoken 
You will drive through the hills of Limburg and reflect upon the possibilities heritage participation harbours for economical development and tourism.

Heiligdomsvaart Saint Servatius – Walking tour, Dutch spoken 
Once life in this region revolved around the Catholic Church. Together you will reflect upon the meaning participation has within this field of heritage, nowadays and in the future. 

Culinary Intangible heritage – Walking tour, Dutch spoken 
Together you will bake your very own Limburgian vlaai and learn about this and other delicious local culinary traditions and the heritage communities connected to it. 


Interactive reflection on field visits Michaëla Hanssen 


Informal reception